
发布时间:2015-02-02 作者:袁飞,孙枕戈

[摘要] 认为当前各行各业的跨界正在如火如荼地发生着,以前所未有的姿态和步伐改变着我们经济生活和社会生活的方方面面。除了ICT领域和其他领域间的大胆跨界外,ICT领域内部的跨界也异常引人注目。指出作为M-ICT战略的提出者、倡导者和推动者,中兴通讯将在今后若干年内展现丰硕成果,为ICT产业做出应有的贡献。

[关键词] 跨界;信息与通信技术;大数据;云计算

[Abstract] Crossover is happening in most domains at a rapid speed and is changing every aspect of our economic and social life. In addition to the bold crossover between ICT domains and non-ICT domains, crossover inside ICT domains is also attractive and meaningful. As an author, advocator and facilitator of the M-ICT strategy, ZTE will achieve fruitful results in the next few years and make its contribution.

[Keywords] crossover; information communication technology; big data; cloud computing