
发布时间:2015-02-02 作者:邓巍

[摘要] 认为电磁辐射和用户感知矛盾日益突出,导致高档社区面临网络覆盖差和宏基站无法建设。通过模拟无线环境、评估现有网络资源,提出了一种分布式基站加美化庭院型路灯天线的新模式。采用该模式,网络开通优化后,网络质量由差提升为优,随机回访10位投诉用户完全解决率达到90%、基本解决率达到10%,有效提升了用户感知。

[关键词] 分布式;深度覆盖;用户感知;优化;仿真

[Abstract] There are increasing contradictions between electromagnetic radiation and user perception. In particular, upscale communities often have poor network coverage and few stations. We simulate a wireless environment and evaluate existing network resources and propose a new model based on distributed station plus garden landscaping type streetlights antenna. The quality of the network promotion is excellent. Random visiting 10 users, the completely resolved rate of is 90%, and the basically resolved rate is 10%. User perception is enhanced.

[Keywords] distributed; deep coverage; user perception; optimization; simulation