
发布时间:2015-02-02 作者:刘自强,任晨珊,田辉

[摘要] 提出了通过将用户行为作为自组织网络资源管理考虑的因素来弥补当前网络不足的方法。对动态和静态用户行为特征的提取进行了分析,选取了典型的自组织网络资源分配场景,给出了这些场景下利用用户群体行为特征和个性行为特征进行网络资源优化配置的方法。指出在利用用户行为特征进行网络资源配置时需要根据具体的场景,选取合适的用户行为分析模型,提取相应的关键参数,从而实现对网络资源的高效配置。论证了户行为驱动的自组织网络资源配的可行性。

[关键词] 第5代移动通信;用户行为;自组织网络;资源配置

[Abstract] We propose a method for self-organizing network resource management. In this method, user behavior is considered a factor. Dynamic and static user behaviors are analyzed, and typical self-organizing network resource allocation scenarios are selected. Utilization of user behavior in self-organizing networks is studied. We propose methods for optimizing network resource allocation under these scenarios. When user behavior is included as a factor in configuring network resources, the appropriate user behavior analysis model is selected according to the scenario, and appropriate key parameters are extracted. This ensures efficient allocation of network resources. The feasibility of user behavior driven resource configuration in self-organizing network is demonstrated.

[Keywords] 5G; user behavior; self-organizing network; resource configuration