
发布时间:2015-02-02 作者:张奇勋,冯志勇,杨拓

[摘要] 基于在密集小基站层叠网络中小基站网络混频自部署方案及关键技术,通过理论分析和数学推导相结合,研究了影响密集小基站层叠网络下行容量的关键因素,并探讨了混频部署方式对网络容量增益的影响。仿真结果和数据分析验证了所提出高密度小基站混频自部署技术对网络容量提升的有效性。

[关键词] 密集小基站;频率分配;容量分析

[Abstract] In this paper, a hybrid frequency allocation scheme for densely-deployed small cells is proposed to improve system capacity and minimize inter-cell interference between multi-tier heterogeneous networks. Closed-form solutions are achieved with theoretical results for proposed downlink capacity model, and key parameters are analyzed. Numerical results show that capacity can be improved by using hybrid frequency allocation schemes to appropriately deploy small cells.

[Keywords] small cells; frequency allocation; capacity analysis