
发布时间:2015-02-02 作者:侯延昭,曹世伟,陶小峰

[摘要] 基于机器类通信(MTC)业务的速率需求和计算需求,研究了对移动通信网络计算资源分配方法,给出了计算资源分配模型,提出了一种基于组合优化的计算资源分配算法来解决计算资源受限的问题。仿真结果表明提出的次优化算法与传统的轮询方式相比可以获得约10%的增益。

[关键词] 机器类通信;软基站;计算资源分配;组合优化

[Abstract] A computing resource allocation scheme based on our proposed computing resource model meets the demands of wireless data rate and signal processing. In the proposed scheme, a combinatorial optimization method is used to improve the usage of computing resources. Simulation results show a gain of 10% using our proposed sub-optimal scheme compared to traditional Round-Robin scheduling.

[Keywords] MTC; soft base station; computing resource allocation; combinatorial optimization