
发布时间:2015-02-02 作者:杨延平,陈巍,李鸥

[摘要] 研究了室内密集立体覆盖非对称、多向中继自组织网络中利用节点先验信息,在中继端联合信道编码、网络编码、自适应调制等技术进行干扰消除的传输方案。重点针对单中继两用户互传、单中继多对用户互传模型的下行信道,分别提出了自适应-网络编码调制、信道编码-网络编码2种联合设计方案。具体分别提出了变功率-速率自适应网络编码相移键控调制(NC-PSK)方案和联合网络-脏纸编码方案,并推导出2种方案下行广播信道可达速率的闭式解。仿真结果表明2种方案能够提高中继网络的频谱利用率,同时有效对抗信道衰落和干扰。

[关键词] 密集立体覆盖;多向中继技术;网络编码调制;自适应调制;信道编码;脏纸编码

[Abstract] In this paper, we investigate interference elimination transmission schemes for asymmetric, multi-way relaying of the 3-dimensional dense coverage self-organized network, relying on the combination of channel coding, network coding, adaptive modulation techniques with a priori knowledge at the relay node. We propose two transmission designs for the downlink of two-user Two-way Relay Channel and Pairwise-users Multi-way Relay Channel, based on the combination of the Adaptive Modulation/Channel Coding and Network Coding Technique. We also proposed a variable-power and rate-adaptive NC-PSK scheme and Joint Network Coding-Dirty Paper Coding scheme. We further derive the closed-form solutions for the achievable rate of the two broadcast channels. Simulation results show that our proposed schemes increase spectral efficiency, effectively handle channel fading and interference.

[Keywords] 3-dimensional dense coverage; multi-way relay techniques; network-coded modulation; adaptive modulation; channel coding; dirty-paper coding