
发布时间:2015-02-02 作者:陈卓,曹洋,江涛

[摘要] 提出了一种基于设备间数据直传(D2D)中继的异构网络负载均衡策略,通过设备之间的直接数据传输,将满载大基站的数据分流到其覆盖范围内的空闲小基站中。具体提出了频谱资源和发射功率的联合资源分配算法,深入研究了在异构网络中利用D2D通信进行数据中继的传输速率最大化问题。仿真结果显示,提出的方法在保证原有用户的通信性能的前提下,增加了系统的可接入用户数和总体吞吐率,从而提升了自组织异构网络的整体性能。

[关键词] 自组织异构网络;设备间数据直传中继;负载均衡;资源分配

[Abstract] We propose a new load-balancing strategy based on relay-aided Device-to-Device (D2D) communication. Data is sent by the nearby uncongested femtocell rather than the congested macrocell through relay-aided D2D communication. We propose an algorithm that takes into account resource and transmission power management. We study the maximum transmission rate attainable using D2D in a self-organized heterogeneous network. The simulation results show that, when D2D is used, the network can accommodate more users, throughput is higher, and existing users are not affected.

[Keywords] self-organized heterogeneous network; relay-aided device-to-device communications; load balancing; resource management