
发布时间:2023-12-22 作者:郭诚,陈梦竹



Abstract: The network energy consumption model is established to analyze the relative power consumption of base stations for transmission/reception, sleep modes, and mode transmission, and evaluate the energy-saving gains of various network energy-saving techniques. In terms of time domain, space domain, frequency domain, and power domain, key techniques for network energy saving, including lightweight design of common signals, simplified cell architecture, cell discontinuous transmission/reception mode, base station wake-up mechanism, enhanced channel state information measurement/reporting for network energy-saving are researched, and enabling more dynamic, efficient, and accurate wireless transmission. In addition, the energy-saving gain is improved through information interaction between the device terminal and the base station, and then the effectiveness of the techniques is verified and analyzed through system-level simulation.

Keywords: network energy saving; energy consumption modeling; simplified cell architecture; enhanced measurement report

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