
发布时间:2023-12-22 作者:陈天贝,李娜,陶小峰




Abstract: Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces (RISs) are new green resources for wireless networks, but still bring in extra networking overhead, which may seriously limit their performance in practical networks. Based on these considerations, it is important to study whether and how RIS can still enhance wireless communication performance, and how to mitigate the impact of RIS overhead. A systematic review of low-overhead RIS-assisted wireless communication is presented.  Two models of the RIS overheads are introduced, including communication overhead and circuit power consumption of the RIS. The corresponding impact on the communication performance is analyzed, then five low-overhead solutions are introduced. Finally, in line with the development trends of 6G networks, the unresolved issues are summarized and the corresponding research directions that need urgent attention in the future are envisioned. Our work will contribute to inspiring the potential of RIS-assisted wireless communication and promote RIS’s application in more scenarios.

Keywords: reconfigurable intelligent surfaces; low-overhead design; channel estimation; channel feedback; phase configuration; power consumption

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