
发布时间:2024-03-06 作者:张平化,王会涛,付志明


摘要:算力需求提升带动网络带宽成倍提速,数据中心能耗呈指数型增长。针对低功耗、高带宽的技术需求,硅光、共封装光学(CPO)等技术有望成为长期解决方案。硅光芯片采用光互联,叠加CPO技术,将光引擎与交换芯片共同封装,在速率提高的同时大大缩减功耗。液冷技术、线性驱动可插拨光模块(LPO)、相干技术及薄膜铌酸锂等技术成为光模块优化主要新趋势。LPO在高线性度跨阻放大器(TIA)/驱动芯片厂商大力推动下或可快速落地。相干精简版解决方案在数据中心2 km以内传输距离方面拥有竞争性。



Abstract: Network bandwith increases multiply and power consumption of data centers increase exponentially. SiPh and co-package optics (CPO) may be long term solutions around the technical requirements of low-power consumption and high-bandwidth. SiP chips can be optical interconnection. Using SiPh and CPO stacking technique which can realize co-package of optical engines and switch chips, power consumption can be greatly reduced when transmission rate inreases. Besides, liquid cooling technology, linear-drive pluggable optics (LPO), coherent technology, and thin film lithium niobate (TFLN) will be main development trends of optical modules. LPO should be quick landing with vigorous promotion of high-linearity trans-impedance amplifier (TIA)/driver manufacturers. Coherent lite solution becomes competitive when solving under 2 km transmission in data centers.

Keywords: SiPh; CPO; LPO; thin film lithium niobate

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