
中兴通讯为马来西亚U Mobile建设DC HSPA+/LTE网络 - 中兴新闻资讯

中兴通讯为马来西亚U Mobile建设DC HSPA+/LTE网络

发表时间:2011-03-15 作者:中兴通讯 阅读量:976

  吉隆坡,2011315日,马来西亚运营商U Mobile宣布选择中兴通讯为其在马来主要城市建设HSPA+/LTE网络。U Mobile总裁Kaizad Heerjee、中兴通讯亚太区总裁郑邦在巨大的中国传统的宣纸上郑重签约,颇具中国特色。马来西亚新闻、通讯及文化部部长Dato Seri Utama Dr. Rais Yatim,中国驻马来西亚大使柴玺见证了签约仪式。

  按照合同约定,中兴通讯将帮助U Mobile2011年第二季度扩展其在马来西亚中部及北部地区的42Mbps的无线网络,在未来的12个月内扩展至84Mbps,并将在不久的将来升级到覆盖马来西亚、下载速率达100MbpsLTE网络。此前,双方已经成功进行了LTE测试,在技术、设备和对公众的服务支持上已经做好了准备。马来西亚政府提出“以持续提高全国宽带接入为主要增长动力”的第10个及第11个经济转型计划(ETP),马来西亚无线宽带应用日趋普及,U Mobile此次大规模无线宽带部署适逢其时。

  U Mobile总裁Kaizad Heerjee表示:“引入此张网络的战略性原动力在于,U Mobile希望能成为马来西亚高速增长的移动数据市场最主流的弄潮儿U Mobile非常高兴与中兴通讯展开战略合作,共同扩展我们的3G高速网络,从中心区域开始覆盖马来其它的主要城市和地区。我们将与中兴通讯一起提供最高速的移动宽带服务,造福我们的顾客。”

  中兴通讯亚太区总裁郑邦表示“马来西亚是中兴通讯亚太区一个非常重要的市场,中兴希望能和U Mobile一道为马来西亚人民提供最快速度的移动宽带网络,使U Mobile成为展示中兴通讯先进的技术和解决方案的典范,同时,我们将为客户提供完美的服务,并展现我们的工程执行能力。”

  截至20112月,中兴已经获得了15LTE商用合同,合作部署近65LTE试验网,遍及欧洲、美洲、亚太、中东等地区,积极推动LTE 商用进程。

About U Mobile

Launched on 18 September 2007, U Mobile Sdn Bhd is a 3G mobile service operator, providing voice and data services with more than 1,000 mobile base – stations installed covering Klang Valley, Seremban, Ipoh, Penang and Johor Bahru. U Mobile entered the market with the objective to provide relevant mobile services to targeted customers in both the consumer and enterprise segments. The majority shareholder of U Mobile is U Telemedia Sdn Bhd.

In March 2010, Singapore Technologies Telemedia (ST Telemedia), a leading information-communications company with operations globally concluded the deal with U Television Sdn Bhd (UTV), the major shareholder of U Mobile Sdn Bhd (U Mobile) at that time for the acquisition of a 33% stake in U Mobile. Its partnership with ST Telemedia indirectly allows U Mobile to tap into their expertise, fully utilizing its 3G experience which will present an edge in a market that is growing increasingly competitive.

U Mobile was the first telecommunication company to deploy the fastest internet connection in Malaysia following the call of the Ministry of Information, Communications and Culture of Malaysia to support the Government’s national agenda of providing constantly-improving broadband access to the diverse communities of Malaysia, when it launched the 42 mbps Broadband network utilizing its Dual-Cell HSPA+ (High-Speed Packet Access) connections in October 2010.

In the beginning of 2011, U Mobile underwent a “Simply Different” brand refresh exercise with an aim to make a difference in today’s telecommunication industry by offering fast, flexible, affordable and more focused communication plans to consumers and enterprise customers. For more information, please visit u.com.my.