[摘要] OpenFlow是一种支持网络创新研究的新型网络模型,该模型通过开放的流表支持用户对网络处理行为进行控制,从而为新型互联网体系结构研究提供新的途径。而基于OpenFlow的SDN,实质是对互联网现有技术的继承、发展和创新,它的定位是创造出新的分组数据网,实质性地改造和改变IP网,是网络层革命性创新的工具和手段。认为SDN技术目前还处于初步发展的阶段,还有很大的开拓空间。
[关键词] 软件定义网络;软件驱动网络;下一代网;未来网络
[Abstract] OpenFlow is a new network model that supports innovative network research. With an open flowtable, OpenFlow enables a user to control the behavior of network processing and provides a new way researching new Internet architecture. The essence of an OpenFlow based software-defined network is inheritance, development, and innovation of existing internet technology. The goal of OpenFlow SDN is to create a new packet data network and substantively change the IP network. OpenFlow is a revolutionary tool for the network layer. SDN technology is still in its initial stage of development and there is still much work much to do.
[Keywords] software-defined networks; software-driven networks; next generation network; future network