
发布时间:2020-07-16 作者:王升,班有容,陈佳媛,张昊




Thinking and Practice of Hardware Acceleration in Core Network Forwarding Application
WANG Sheng, BAN Yourong, CHEN Jianyuan, ZHANG Hao
(China Mobile Research Institute, Beijing 100053)
Abstract: The high demand of bandwidth and delay from new services of 5G and edge computing requires user plane function (UPF) should have the ability of low delay, high forwarding and zero packet-loss. And virtualized deployment is also needed by dynamic adjustment, customization and network slicing function. The performance of UPF deployed on a generic server is difficult to meet the new business requirement. Through the deep analysis of network function virtualization (NFV) mismatched triangle, we can find the pointcut of hardware acceleration in the UPF. The acceleration ratio formula can not only measure the performance of hardware acceleration, but also indicate the direction of subsequent improvement. Now The UPF equipment in the industry is proprietary to manufacturers, and the combination of software and hardware is highly enclosed. Operators can realize the decoupling of software and hardware of UPF through customized and standardized server and SmartNIC selection and specification. The general and open network resource pool makes full use of the pooling effect of general hardware, reduces costs, increases efficiency and improves resource utilization while strengthening the operator's autonomous control of the network.
Keywords: user plane function; SmartNIC; hardware acceleration; hardware-software decoupling



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