
发布时间:2020-10-22 作者:赵维铎, 蒋伯章



赵维铎1, 蒋伯章2
(1. 中兴通讯股份有限公司,中国 深圳 518057;2. 中国电信杭州分公司,中国 杭州 321000 )

Thoughts and Practice of 5G+ Industrial Internet
ZHAO Weiduo1, JIANG Bozhang2
(1. ZTE Corporation, Shenzhen 518057, China; 2. China Telecom Hangzhou Branch, Hangzhou 321000, China )
Abstract: Although the current 5G + industrial Internet is still facing some issues and challenges, 5G technology is constantly developing and improving. 5G + industrial Internet is gradually developing from point demonstration application to area and system application. This process requires the cooperation of all kinds of enterprises in the industrial ecosystem to jointly discover the industrial demand, innovative application and delivery projects, explore and practice the business model, so as to realize the healthy development of 5G + industrial Internet.
Keywords: industrial Internet; 5G; intelligent manufacturing



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