(北京邮电大学,中国 北京 100876)
摘要:未来全场景业务对6G 提出了全面要求,无线覆盖能力的扩展将成为6G 主要挑战之一。分析了未来6G 系统中可能部署频段的无线覆盖特性,探究了多频段协同使能的全场景覆盖扩展技术。认为多频段协同部署是实现未来6G 全场景覆盖的关键技术之一,需要着重关注降本节能、绿色高效、安全可信的多频段协同部署技术。
Multiple Frequency Bands Cooperation Based Coverage Extension Technologies for 6G Full Scenarios
HAN Shujun, DONG Qing, XU Xiaodong
(Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, Beijing 100876,
Abstract: In the future, full scenario services will put forward comprehensive requirements for 6G, and the expansion of wireless coverage capability will become one of the major challenges of 6G. The wireless coverage characteristics of different frequency bands to be used in 6G are analyzed. In addition, the empowering technologies of multiple frequency bands collaborative for full scenarios coverage extension technologies are investigated. It is believed that multiple frequency bands cooperation deployment is one of the key technologies to realize the coverage extension of full scenarios. More attention should be paid to the technologies of multiple frequency bands collaborative deployment with cost reduction and energy saving, green and efficiency, safety and reliability.
Keywords: multiple frequency bands cooperation; coverage extension; full scenarios