
发布时间:2014-03-20 作者:魏月华,杜玉强,黄璐

[摘要] 分布式链路聚合技术实现多个数据终端设备上任意链路之间的业务互为备份和负载分担,同时实现节点保护功能。该技术是链路聚合技术发展的新阶段,易于实现和升级,极大提高了现有技术在链路备份、负载分担、节点保护、故障隔离、业务倒换方面的能力。

[关键词] 分布式链路聚合;节点保护;链路备份;业务保护

[Abstract] Distributed link aggregation backs up services and balances load between arbitrarily links of multiple data terminal equipment (DTE). It also protects nodes. Distributed link aggregation is a new development in link aggregation technology. It can be easily implemented and upgraded. It greatly improves existing link backup, load sharing, node protection, fault isolation, and service protection technologies.

[Keywords] distributed link aggregation; node protection; link backup; service protection