
发布时间:2014-03-20 作者:王喜瑜,鲁照华,陈宪明

[摘要] 探讨了一种压缩感知技术在未来大规模天线阵列系统导频设计中的应用方案,结果表明,基于压缩感知技术的导频设计方案可有效降低未来移动通信系统中的导频开销,提升性能。进一步还可以考虑将压缩感知技术与未来移动通信系统中可能使用的认知无线电技术结合起来用于发现空闲频谱比较多的频段内的空闲资源,有效降低系统硬件实现成本,或者是将压缩感知技术与其他天线降维技术结合起来,提升未来移动通信系统的用户体验。

[关键词] 压缩感知;信道估计;大规模天线阵列系统

[Abstract] This paper describes a pilot design for compressive sensing in a large-scale antenna array system. Our design can reduce system control overhead and improve spectral efficiency. In the future, compressive sensing could be used to find free spectrum in a cognitive radio system or to cooperate with other antenna-dimension-reduction techniques to improve QoS.

[Keywords] compressive sensing; channel estimation; large-scale antenna array system