
发布时间:2014-03-20 作者:黄标,王坦

[摘要] 提出了一种适合中国国情的频谱需求的预测方法。该预测方法充分借鉴了国际现有方法,可合理满足未来国际移动通信系统(IMT)的发展需求,实现频率资源的科学分配和使用,避免盲目规划导致的资源浪费。该预测方法从业务密集地区着手,通过调研运营商第一手数据,给出了更加精确的测算结果,可供中国运营商评估现有频谱使用情况、论证阶段频谱需求时使用。

[关键词] 频谱需求预测;热点地区;国际移动通信系统;第五代移动通信

[Abstract] This paper describes a new method for estimating future spectrum requirements in China. Such a method is necessary to meet the requirements of future international mobile telecommunication systems (IMTs), scientifically allocate and use radio spectrum resources, and avoid resource wastage as a result of poor planning. In this method, we select a hotspot zone and gather first-hand data from operators in order to obtain more accurate estimations. Our method can also be to evaluate existing spectrum usage and short-term spectrum requirements of operators.

[Keywords] spectrum requirements estimation; hotspots; IMT; 5G