
发布时间:2014-03-20 作者:卢科学,许进,张帅

[摘要] 采用格栅编码量化(TCQ)这一信源编码方法结合格栅编码调制(TCM)技术,解决了双向中继信道中软信息的传输问题。仿真表明,在衰落信道下,该方法性能上优于传统的译码转发和放大转发的网络编码方法。该方法应用于双向中继信道并在有限带宽的情况下可获得接近理想信道的链路性能。该方法为软信息网络编码走向实用提供了一种有效的思路。

[关键词] 网络编码;软信息传输;双向中继;协作通信

[Abstract] In this paper, we describe a method of using trellis coded quantization (TCQ), which is regarded as a source coding technology, combined with trellis coded modulation (TCM), to solve the soft informing transmission problem in a two-way relay channel. Simulation shows that, in the fading channel, TCQ is superior to traditional decode-and-forward and amplify-and-forward coding. When TCQ is used in a two-way relay channel with limited bandwidth, link performance is close to that of an ideal channel. TCQ is an effective, practical method of soft information-forward network coding.

[Keywords] network coding; soft-information transmission; two-way relay; cooperative communication