
发布时间:2014-03-20 作者:王跃,许志远,严珏玮

[摘要] 探讨移动智能终端操作系统技术的整体发展,从技术范畴、技术架构、技术属性、技术发展、技术趋势等维度全面透视移动智能终端操作系统技术的整体演进变革。指出继移动智能终端浪潮颠覆微软垄断之后,正在形成中的、面向泛终端的统一操作系统的竞争可能孕育出新一轮操作系统格局变革。中国在移动操作系统技术领域已全面深度布局,从技术现实看基于Android优化路线的操作系统技术发展已处于全球先进行列,但自研系统技术性能仍有待进一步完善。

[关键词] 移动智能终端;操作系统;技术发展

[Abstract] This paper discusses the development of mobile intelligent-terminal operating system technology in terms of concept, architecture, attributes, and trends. Mobile intelligent-terminal operating systems have broken the Microsoft Windows monopoly, and the unified operating systems being created may lead to a new era. Chinese industry has gone to great effort to research and develop mobile operating system technology. From a technical perspective, Android-based optimized operating systems are mature and more advanced than other countries. However, technical performance of self-developed systems still needs to be improved.

[Keywords] mobile intelligent terminal; operating system; technology development