2.65 GHz双级高效、高增益F类开关功率放大器设计

发布时间:2014-05-22 作者:周鹏,王建利,邬海峰

[摘要] 在F类功率放大器的基本工作原理和设计方法的基础上,采用开路枝节微带线匹配的方法实现了F类功率放大器所需要的谐波阻抗匹配,并采用GaN HEMT晶体管设计制作了应用于无线通讯领域的双级高效高增益F类功率放大器。在2.65 GHz工作频率,该功率放大器具有65.69%功率附加效率(PAE)、20 dB的功率增益和10 W输出功率。该功率放大器的实测结果与电路仿真结果相吻合,证明了使用该方法设计F类功率放大器的有效性。

[关键词] F类功率放大器;双级;高效率;高增益开关功放

[Abstract] In this paper, we use an open stub microstrip line to realize harmonic impedance matching of a class-F PA. We analyze the fundamental design methods of a class-F PA and design a two-stage high-efficiency, high-gain class-F PA using GaN HEMT. At 2.65 GHz, the PA has 65.69% power-added efficiency, 20 dB gain, and 10 W output. The measured results conform with the circuit simulations, and this proves that our design method is effective.

[Keywords] class-F power amplifier; two-stage; high efficiency; high gain switching-mode power amplifier