
发布时间:2014-05-22 作者:慈松,于冰,韩言妮

[摘要] 提出了一种面向单域环境的虚拟网络迁移算法。基于动态服务质量计算,定义了迁移判定因子,量化迁移代价与收益参数,动态评判迁移的时机,并选择判定因子最小的虚拟节点作为服务迁移节点。该算法可以有效地减少服务延迟,提高用户的服务体验质量,实现网络高效的资源管理和降低能耗的目标。

[关键词] 网络虚拟化环境;服务迁移;资源管理;移动性

[Abstract] This paper describes an intra-provider service migration algorithm in the network virtualization environment. Using the dynamic QoS computing method, we define the migration discriminant factor, which quantifies the trade-off of migration costs and benefits. With this algorithm, we can judge the migration time and select the optimal virtual node with minimum factor as service provider. The algorithm achieves the goals of service management, improved QoE, and reduced service latency and energy consumption.

[Keywords] network virtualization environment; service migration; resource management; mobility