
发布时间:2014-05-22 作者:徐浩煜,汪亮友,朱祖勍

[摘要] 提出了一个新的动态透明的虚拟网络嵌入(VNE)算法。该算法基于弹性光传输基础设施,同时考虑节点映射和链路映射,用于光正交频分复用(O-OFDM)的网络虚拟化。对每一个虚拟光网络(VON)的请求,该算法首先根据各光纤链路的频谱使用将底层光网络转化成一个分层辅助图,然后在该辅助图的单层上应用一个考虑了所有底层节点的本地信息的节点映射完成链接映射。仿真结果表明,该算法考虑了O-OFDM网络的独特性,并且由于算法提供较低的VON阻塞概率,优于直接应用VNE的参考算法。实际拓扑结构的仿真结果也表明,嵌入的底层路径的平均距离很好地被控制在O-OFDM信号的典型传输范围内。

[关键词] 光网络的虚拟化;动态透明的虚拟网络嵌入;光正交频分复用

[Abstract] This paper describes a new dynamic transparent virtual network embedding (VNE) algorithm based on elastic optical transport infrastructure. This new algorithm takes into account the node mapping and link mapping for optical orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (O-OFDM) network virtualization. To handle the requests of each virtual optical network, this algorithm first  creates a hierarchical view of the underlying optical network then takes into account all the underlying local node mapping information to complete the link map based on the single application of one auxiliary figure. Simulations show that the algorithm takes into account the uniqueness of an O-OFDM network and is better than directly using VNE reference algorithms. Simulations for an actual topology show the average distance between the bottom of the embedded path is well controlled within the range of a typical O-OFDM transmission signal.

[Keywords] network virtualization; dynamic transparent virtual network embedding; O-OFDM