[摘要] 创造性地提出了以“三层”、“两域”为典型特征的智慧协同标识网络结构模型。“三层”即智慧服务层、资源适配层和网络组件层;“两域”即实体域和行为域。在此基础上,分别建立了智慧服务层、资源适配层和网络组件层的基本理论,以在有效解决网络可扩展性、移动性、安全性等问题的基础上,大幅度提高网络资源利用率,降低网络能耗,显著提升用户体验。
[关键词] 未来互联网体系;智慧协同;资源适配;博弈决策
[Abstract] In this paper, we propose a smart, cooperative network architecture that has three layers: smart service, resource adaption, and network component. The architecture also has two realms: entity and behavior. We outlined the basic theories of the three layers in order to address network scalability, mobility, security, and other issues and improve network resource utilization, reduce energy consumption, and improve user experience.
[Keywords] future Internet architecture; smart and cooperation; adaptive resource allocation; gaming decision