[摘要] 基于建设部智慧城市标准研究和全球智慧城市领域标准工作,认为由于智慧城市标准不约而同地关注城市可持续发展和城市承载能力的提升,相关标准可以归为城市基础设施、城市环境、城市经济和社会管理服务4大类。指出与全球研究方法存在明显差别,中国更加关注城市整体建设,将城市看做一个巨型的生态系统;国际组织和机构则从城市可持续发展方面入手,通过信息化的技术手段,实现城市专项领域更高效的运转。
[关键词] 新型城镇化;智慧城市;标准体系
[Abstract] The smart city standard is generally concerned with the sustainable development and capacity of the city. Relevant standards can be classified as city infrastructure, city environment, city economic and social management services. Different from the global research method, China pays more attention to the construction of the city and considers the city a giant ecosystem. International organizations and agencies realize the city special field more efficient operation through technical means of information from the aspects of city sustainable development.
[Keywords] new urbanization; smart city; standard system