[摘要] 提出了一种在智慧城市理念下构建和完善城市公共安全评估体系的思路。利用该思路,依靠智慧城市建设过程中所采用的物联网、云计算、大数据计算等技术,不仅使得传统平安城市建设水平得到了提升,同时也使得传统城市公共安全体系实现了实体化、模型化、可计算化,从而构建出了一个可感知的、可自动度量的、富有生命力的城市安全体系。
[关键词] 城市公共安全;公共安全评估;智慧城市;大数据
[Abstract] This paper describes the prospect of constructing and improving a public safety assessment system under the concept of smart city. The level of traditional safe city construction can be improved and the traditional city public safe system can realize the entity, modeling and computable relay on the internet of things, cloud computing, and big-data technologies. In this way, city safety system, which is sensible and automatically measured, is constructed.
[Keywords] city public safety; public safety assessment; smart city; big data