[摘要] 介绍了通用引导架构(GBA)在IMS网络中的组网和应用,并从终端安全、算法安全、向量共享等方面进行了深入分析。认为GBA在IMS网络中应用还属于探索阶段。同时对GBA架构在IMS网络中应用提出了一些建设性意见,包括共享向量、采用SHA-1算法、采用UICC卡、合一部署等,以指导GBA在IMS网络中的部署和商用。
[关键词] GBA;通用认证架构;IMS;AKA
[Abstract] This paper introduces the networking and application of a generic bootstrapping architecture (GBA) in an IP multimedia subsystem network. It provides a detailed analysis of terminal security, algorithm security, and vector sharing. It suggests that the application of GBA in IMS networks is still in the preliminary stage. To guide the deployment and commercial use of GBA in IMS networks, it then gives some constructive suggestions, including sharing Ks, SHA-1 algorithm, and UICC card and integrated deployment.
[Keywords] GBA; generic authentication architecture; IP multimedia subsystem (IMS); authentication and key agreement (AKA)