
发布时间:2015-08-24 作者:赵慧玲,解云鹏,胡晓娟

[摘要] 指出基于网络功能虚拟化(NFV)的核心网代表着信息发展的重要趋势,中国在其标准化进展、架构及应用方面均取得显著进展。基于NFV的核心网需要解决一些关键问题才能进行部署,包括标准化问题、可靠性问题、安全性问题、性能问题等。强调对于电信和IT融合的统一资源协同编排能力的建设、新型数据中心组网的云化网络体系架构的研究以及网络演进和创新对于运营商是极大的挑战。

[关键词] NFV;虚拟网络功能;虚拟网管理编排(MANO);叠加网络

[Abstract] Network function virtualization (NFV) based core network is an important trend in information development, and China has made remarkable progress in its development, structure and application. The NFV-based core network has some key problems in standardization, reliability, security, and performance. Only when these problems are solved can it be deployed. The construction of unified resource collaborative arrangement on integration of telecommunication and IT, the research on the cloud based network architecture of new data center networking, and network evolution and innovation are all challenges for operators.

[Keywords] NFV; NFV function; NFV management and orchestration (MANO); overlay network