
发布时间:2015-08-24 作者:沈成彬,蒋铭,曾涛

[摘要] 针对宽带接入网在网络建设、运行维护、用户体验和业务经营等领域面临的困难和挑战,以降低接入网的建设成本和维护成本,提升用户体验,促进业务创新为目标,研究了基于虚拟化、集中管控、能力开放等特征的下一代宽带接入网的系统架构、主要应用场景以及所涉及的关键技术。

[关键词] 软件定义网络;网络功能虚拟化;无源光网络;光接入网;能力开放

[Abstract] There many challenges with broadband access networks in terms of construction, OAM, user experience, and business operation. We investigate the application of software-defined networ (SDN) and NFV technologies in broadband access networks with the goal of reducing capex and opex and promoting user experience and business innovation. We investigate system architecture, use cases, and key technologies of next-generation access networks. The key features of such networks will be virtualization, centralized control, and openness.

[Keywords] SDN; network function virtualization; passive optical network; optical access network; openness capability