
发布时间:2015-08-24 作者:汤进凯,张奇,徐昕

[摘要] 认为软件定义网络(SDN)引入传送网可以较为显著地提升资源利用、运维管理等能力,在基站业务、集客业务、家宽业务、光缆网络等应用场景中可通过软件定义网络+分组传送网(SDN+PTN)、软件定义网络+分组传送网+光传送网(SDN+OTN)、软件定义网络+分组传送网+光传送网+无源光网络(SDN+PON)、智能光配线网络(ODN)等实现网络与SDN的结合,实现业务的灵活调度、资源利用率的有效提升、全局性的资源配置。针对每张网络的特点和技术成熟度,对传送网引入SDN的路径进行了分析,尤其针对SPTN(即SDN+PTN)的网络结构和技术要求展开了分析,并对试点情况进行了介绍。最后,对比了SDN引入前后网管的组织架构,并提出SDN引入后各层功能的变化。

[关键词] 软件定义网络;控制器;分组传送网;网管组织架构光网络

[Abstract] In this paper, we propose that software-defined network (SDN) applied in transmission network can increase the usage of network resources and enhance OAM. The different transmission networks combined with SDN technology will evolve into SDN+PTN, SDN+OTN, SDN+PON and intelligent ODN. When SDN is deployed in some scenarios, such as base station backhaul, business private line transmission, broadband access and ODN, the network can realize the scalability of service routing, the increase of resources usage, and the network global configuration. Regarding the feature of different transport networks and the maturity of SDN, this paper analyses the roadmap of SDN application and introduces the basic environment of SDN test bed. Finally, the structures of network management with SDN applied are compared, and the change of multi-layered after SDN introduced is also proposed.

[Keywords] SDN; controller; packet transport network (PTN); network management organizational structure