
发布时间:2015-08-24 作者:陈伯文,王晓玲,沈纲祥

[摘要] 结合软件定义光网络和光网络资源虚拟化的技术背景,对虚拟光网络成本优化问题进行了深入研究。在软件定义光网络中采用软件定义光网络基础服务架构和网络资源抽象的虚拟光网络服务架构,通过引入虚拟光网络的映射模型,提出了虚拟光网络映射策略和虚拟光网络协同映射规划方法,解决了面向成本优化的虚拟光网络映射方法,可为未来光网络虚拟化技术的应用提供技术支撑。

[关键词] 软件定义光网络;虚拟光网络;网络成本优化;映射方法

[Abstract] In order to address cost optimization problems of virtual optical network (VON) mapping, software-defined optical network (SDON) architecture and VON mapping architecture are proposed. With the VON mapping model, the VON mapping strategies and the coordinated virtual nodes and virtual links mapping approaches are proposed to reduce the network cost. Network cost optimization problems are solved by the proposed VON mapping approaches. Therefore, some important technical supports will be provided by employing the proposed VON mapping models and approaches in the future.

[Keywords] SDON; VON; network cost optimization; mapping approach