
发布时间:2018-02-11 作者:张源斌,杨剑,占治国,周严伟

[摘要] 5G传送是支撑未来5G应用的关键技术之一,已成为近期技术研究和标准化领域的热点。介绍了5G传送相关的主要标准组织的进展及分析,包括:国际电信联盟电信标准化部(ITU-T)SG15、电气与电子工程师协会(IEEE)802.1、光互联论坛(OIF)等,涉及了5G传送需求,以及切片分组网(SPN)/灵活以太网(FlexE)、移动优化的光传送网(M-OTN)/灵活光传送网(FlexO)、时间敏感网络(TSN)、超高精度时间同步等的相关技术方案。同时,还指出2018年将成为5G传送标准化工作的关键窗口期。

[关键词] SPN;M-OTN;TSN;FlexE;超高精度时间同步

[Abstract] 5G transmission is one of the key technologies supporting 5G applications in the future, and it has become a hot spot in the field of technical research and standardization. In this paper, the progress of the main standard organizations related to 5G transmission are introduced, including international telecommunication union standardization sector (ITU-T), institute of electrical and electronics engineers (IEEE), optical internetworking forum (OIF) and so on. 5G transport requirements, as well as transport solutions of slice packet network (SPN) /flexible Ethernet (FlexE), mobile OTN (M-OTN) / flexible OTN (FlexO), time sensitive network (TSN), and ultra-high precision time synchronization are involved. It is pointed out that 2018 will be the key window period for the standardization of 5G transport.

[Keywords] SPN; M-OTN; TSN; FlexE; ultra-high precision time synchronization

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