
发布时间:2018-02-11 作者:李晗

[摘要] 面向5G的传送网面临大带宽、低时延、网络分片、灵活连接、高精度时间同步、组网架构变化等多方面的技术挑战。指出了分组传送网(PTN)、基于IP的无线接入网(IPRAN)、光传送网(OTN)等现有技术难以完全满足5G的长远需求,灵活以太网(FlexE)、灵活光传送网(FlexO)、分段路由(SR)、软件定义网络(SDN)等新技术为5G承载提供了新的选择,基于25 G的光管芯也逐渐成为了高速光通信的基础。认为5G为新的传送网技术的引入提供了重要驱动和时间窗口,并首次提出了将切片分组网(SPN)体系架构用作5G前传、中传和回传的统一承载,同时还对其关键技术做了介绍。

[关键词] 5G;传送网;SPN

[Abstract] The 5G oriented transport network faces many technical challenges, such as large bandwidth, low latency, network fragmentation, flexible connection, high precision time synchronization, and network architecture change. Current transport technologies, including packet transport network (PTN), IP radio access network (IPRAN), and optical transport network (OTN), are difficult to fully meet the long-term needs of 5G. New technologies including flexible Ethernet (FlexE), flexible OTN (FlexO), segment routing (SR), and software defined networking (SDN) have provided new choices for 5G transport. The 25 G-based optical chip has gradually become the basis for high-speed optical communications. 5G will provide an important driving force and time window for new transport technologies. The 5G transport network is divided into three scenarios, including fronthaul, mid-haul and backhaul, which unified by slicing packet network (SPN) architecture. In addition, the key technologies of SPN are introduced.

[Keywords] 5G; transport network; SPN

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