
发布时间:2018-02-11 作者:任驰,马瑞涛

[摘要] 通过对网络切片的逻辑组网、定制流程、生命周期管理等方面的介绍,提出了网络切片技术中目前尚未解决的一些问题,为未来的网络切片演进提供了参考。认为在未来的移动网络中,切片可定制化将是最重要的需求之一。通过在通用的物理平台上生成功能、性能不同,并且彼此隔离的多张逻辑专网,配合对第三方的网络能力开放,将使得运营商更有效率地运营网络,更加深入地挖掘自身网络的赢利点。

[关键词] 5G;网络切片;定制化;垂直行业;网络功能虚拟化(NFV)

[Abstract] The logical networking, customization procedure and life-cycle management of network slicing are introduced in this paper. Some problems that have not been solved in the network slicing technology are put forward, which provide references for the evolution of the future network slicing. It is believed that in future mobile networks , the customization of sliceing will be one of the most important requirements. By generating the different functions and isolated multi logical private networks on the general physical platform, and opening the network capabilities functions to the third party, the operators can operate the network more efficiently and dig deeper into the profit points of their own network.

[Keywords] 5G; network slicing; customization; vertical industry; network function virtualization (NFV)

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