
发布时间:2018-02-11 作者:孙志勇

[摘要] 针对5G 移动业务,光传送网(OTN)可以实现承载移动前传、中传和回传业务。认为作为基础的承载技术,OTN可以提供大带宽、低时延、灵活分片、高可靠性、开放协同的能力,适合在5G时代新网络架构下的前传和回传组网,并能同时支撑运营商固网等其他业务的发展,满足未来网络持续演进的需求。

[关键词] 5G;OTN;前传;中传;回传

[Abstract] For 5G mobile services, the fronthaul, midhaul and backhaul services can be achieved by optical transport network (OTN). As the foundation of the bearing technology, OTN can provide large bandwidth, low latency, flexible fragment, high reliability, and open collaboration capabilities, and is suitable for the fronthaul and backhaul networking in 5G era. OTN can also support the development of other services, such as fixed network, so as to meet the needs of the continuous evolution of future networks.

[Keywords] 5G; OTN; fronthaul; midhaul; backhaul

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