
发布时间:2018-02-11 作者:徐慧俊

[摘要] 分析了2017年5G标准进展、各国5G频谱规划以及主流运营商的5G商用时间表等,认为5G产业链正在加速成熟,5G商用越来越近。5G相关的关键技术已经得到充分验证,如:大规模多输入多输出(Massive MIMO)在Pre5G中商用,基于网络功能虚拟化(NFV)架构的云化网络方案在4G网络中商用,5G承载的软件定义网络(SDN)架构、灵活以太网(FlexE)/灵活光传送网(FlexO)等趋于成熟,5G端到端(E2E)网络切片、自动化运维、人工智能(AI)等关键技术也将助力5G网络运营。分析了中国在5G产业进程中发挥的作用,并展望了5G未来的发展进程。

[关键词] 5G;SDN/NFV;网络切片;自动化运维;AI

[Abstract] The standardization progress, wireless spectrum planning and the updated timetable for 5G of some advanced countries are analyzed in this paper. The commercial 5G is regarded much closer to the market with an accelerating industrial chain. The 5G technologies have been fully verified in many fields, such as massive multiple input multiple output (Massive MIMO) application in Pre5G, network function virtualization (NFV)-based cloudification deployment in 4G network, software defined networking (SDN) architecture for 5G bearing, flexible Ethernet (FlexE)/flexible optical transport network (FlexO) application and 5G smart operation aided by end-to-end (E2E) network slicing, automatic operation and maintenance (O&M), and artificial intelligence (AI). The important role of China is also analyzed in the progress of 5G industry development, and finally the commercial 5G timetable is proposed with an aspiring expectation.

[Keywords] 5G; SDN/NFV; network slicing; automatic O&M; AI

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