
发布时间:2018-02-11 作者:许森,高程,卞宏梁

[摘要] 为了满足3种5G典型业务的覆盖和容量的需求,5G网络中引入了非独立和独立部署4G和5G组网架构以及集中单元(CU)/分布单元(DU)分离的设备形态。新的无线网络架构对于未来传输网的部署也提出了新的挑战。基于当前5G网络架构的标准进展,从无线网络的角度分析了5G网络架构对传输网的影响和需求。

[关键词] 5G网络;非独立组网;CU/DU分离;传输网络

[Abstract] To satisfy the coverage and capacity for 5G typical traffic, the non-standalone and standalone deployment for 4G and 5G and a new base station type with centralized unit (CU) /distributed unit (DU) splitting have been introduced in future 5G network. The new wireless network architecture brings challenges to the transport network deployment. Based on the standardization progress of 5G network architecture, the impact and requirement of 5G wireless network architecture on transport network are analyzed from the perspective of wireless network.

[Keywords] 5G network; non-standalone deployment; CU/DU splitting; transport network

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