
发布时间:2018-02-11 作者:宋晓诗,闫岩,王梦源

[摘要] 移动边缘计算(MEC)是未来5G移动通信系统提升服务应用能力的重要技术手段之一。通过在无线接入网络的边缘节点处部署具备计算、存储和通信能力的服务应用平台,MEC能够有效处理终端用户的高时效性业务需求,大幅度缩短端到端时延,并解决核心网络的数据流量瓶颈等相关问题。

[关键词] 5G;MEC;无线缓存;基于软件定义网络(SDN)的本地分流技术

[Abstract] Mobile edge computing (MEC) is envisioned as one of the most important techniques for 5G mobile communication systems in the future. By deploying a generic computing platform with computing, storage, and communication capabilities across the wireless edges, MEC can effectively meet the high timeliness service requirements of end users, greatly shorten the end-to-end delay, and solve the related problems of data traffic bottleneck in core network.

[Keywords] 5G; MEC; wireless content caching; software defined network(SDN)-based traffic offloading

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