
发布时间:2024-06-24 作者:周聪,成洪樯,游昌盛





Abstract: The application of extremely large-scale array can significantly increase transmission distance and enhance spectral efficiency, overcoming path loss and thus bringing new development opportunities to communications. With users potentially located in the near-field region of the base station equipped with an extremely large-scale array, a more accurate spherical wave model need to be adopted. However, extremely large-scale array faces challenges such as high hardware costs, energy consumption, and complex signal processing algorithms. To address this issue, this paper proposes to utilize the sparse array to construct extremely large-scale array, enabling integrated sensing and communication. This paper conducts an in-depth analysis of the key issues of sparse arrays in both far-field and near-field communication and sensing, elaborating the challenges of existing sparse array applications, and then proposes future research directions for sparse arrays.

Keywords: sparse array; extremely large-scale array; near-field communication; near-field sensing

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