
发布时间:2024-07-25 作者:吴越,王东明,尤肖虎 阅读量:





Abstract: Cell-Free Radio Access Network (CF-RAN), as a novel network architecture, play a significant supportive role for the typical application scenarios and key technical indicators of 6G. Firstly, the evolution of multi-antenna technology as well as network architecture is introduced, including Cell-Free Massive MIMO (CF-mMIMO) technology and the CF-RAN architecture based on this technology. Next, the support of CF-mMIMO technology for typical application scenarios of 6G, including cell-free system based immersive communication, massive communication, hyper reliable and low-latency communication, integrated sensing and communication, ubiquitous connectivity, as well as the support of cell-free system based on integrated artificial intelligence and communication, are introduced, and some solution ideas and new research directions are proposed. Finally, a novel architecture for CF-RAN and the support of this architecture for some of the key technical indicators of 6G are introduced.

Keywords: cell-free massive MIMO; cell-free radio access network; 6G

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