
发布时间:2024-07-25 作者:田文强,沈嘉,肖寒,刘文东,郑旭飞 阅读量:


摘要:针对6G系统的空口AI化演进,需要对研究的路线、所受的限制条件、基础问题、技术趋势,以及期待的突破与改变做出客观和明确的判断,以在不同层面和维度上获得理论与工程上的增益与突破,具体包括:引入AI的6G一体化、系统化构建,形成基于AI的新传输方案与新空口设计,考虑面向AI的生命周期管理与解决方案。在物理层原生AI技术方面,具体分析了零开销叠加导频设计、信道与无线环境语义通信,以及两项重点6G AI潜在技术方向。本研究可对未来6G系统AI化的技术推进和标准化提供有益参考。

关键词:6G系统AI化;6G AI新空口;6G AI生命周期管理;零开销叠加导频;信道与无线环境语义通信


Abstract: To achieve theoretical and engineering gains and breakthroughs across different levels and dimensions in 6G AI-zation, a clear understanding on the research route, constraints, fundamental problems, technological trends, and expected breakthroughs and new changes is required. Specific aspects include: the integration and systematic construction of AI in 6G, forming new AI-based transmission schemes and air interface designs, considering AI lifecycle management solutions. Around physical layer native AI technologies, detailed analysis includes: zero-overhead superimposed pilot design, and semantic communication of channels and wireless environment, two key potential technology directions for 6G AI-zation. This research can provide valuable reference for future technical advancement and standardization of AI in 6G systems.

Keywords: 6G AI-zation; 6G AI air interface; 6G AI lifecycle management; zero-overhead superimposed pilot design; semantic communication of channels and wireless environment

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