A Large⁃Scale NFV⁃Based Emulation Platform for Smart Identifier Network

Release Date:2017-09-28 Author: Author:LI Haifeng, LI Taixin, and ZHANG Hongke

[Abstract] Network emulation is significant because of its ability to study network architecture running on real operating system and the whole protocol stack. However, conservatively allocating a physical network equipment for a corresponding emulation network is costly, scale⁃limited and rigid. In this paper, based on network function virtualization (NFV), we present a large⁃scale emulation platform for the Smart Identifier Network (SINET). We pool and virtualize all hardware resources by lightweight virtualization technology. Controllers and orchestrators are designed to manage emulation and collect monitored SINET emulation results. The controllers are used to implement dynamically synchronously management for large⁃scale emulation network and link characteristics. The orchestrators are utilized to achieve overload avoidance and green computing with the Xiao’s dynamic resource allocation algorithm. We implement flexibly programmable and dynamically configurable emulation.

[Keywords] NFV; SINET; emulation; virtualization; control; orchestration

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