Balanced Discriminative Transfer Feature Learning for Visual Domain Adaptation

Release Date:2020-12-14 Author:SU Limin, ZHANG Qiang, LI Shuang, Chi Harold LIU



Balanced Discriminative Transfer Feature Learning for Visual Domain Adaptation
SU Limin1, ZHANG Qiang2, LI Shuang1, Chi Harold LIU1
(1. Beijing Institute of Technology, Beijing 100081, China;
2. ZTE Corporation, Shenzhen 518057, China)
Abstract: Transfer learning aims to transfer source models to a target domain. Leveraging the feature matching can alleviate the domain shift effectively, but this process ignores the relationship of the marginal distribution matching and the conditional distribution matching. Simultaneously, the discriminative information of both domains is also neglected, which is important for improving the performance on the target domain. In this paper, we propose a novel method called Balanced Discriminative Transfer Feature Learning for Visual Domain Adaptation (BDTFL). The proposed method can adaptively balance the relationship of both distribution matchings and capture the category discriminative information of both domains. Therefore, balanced feature matching can achieve more accurate feature matching and adaptively adjust itself to different scenes. At the same time, discriminative information is exploited to alleviate category confusion during feature matching. And with assistance of the category discriminative information captured from both domains, the source classifier can be transferred to the target domain more accurately and boost the performance of target classification. Extensive experiments show the superiority of BDTFL on popular visual cross-domain benchmarks.
Keywords: transfer learning; domain adaptation; distribution adaptation; discriminative information



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