Secure SSL/TLS Communication System Based on Quantum Keys

Release Date:2024-10-14 Author:WANG Jigang, LU Yuqian, WEI Liping, JIANG Xinzao, ZHANG Han

Abstract: Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) and Transport Layer Security (TLS) protocols facilitates a secure framework for identity authentication, data encryption, and message integrity verification. However, with the recent development in quantum computing technology, the security of conventional key-based SSL/TLS protocols faces vulnerabilities. In this paper, we propose a scheme by integrating the quantum key into the SSL/TLS framework. Furthermore, the application of post-quantum algorithms is used to enhance and complement the existing encryption suites. Experimental results show that the proposed SSL/TLS communication system based on quantum keys exhibits high performance in latency and throughput. Moreover, the proposed system showcases good resilience against quantum attacks.

Keywords: SSL/TLS protocols; quantum key; post-quantum cryptography 

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