ZSmart MCCM Leads mCel Marketing Campaigns into a New Era

Release Date:2014-01-24 By Sun Junzhong



Mozambique is located in Southeast Africa and has a population of 25 million. In recent years, the political and economic environment in Mozambique has stabilized and the standard of living has greatly improved. As Mozambique’s economy has developed, the telecom industry has flourished. mCel is the largest mobile operator in Mozambique and has 4.5 million active users. The company faces fierce competition from other operators. mCel’s OSS/BSS systems are relatively isolated, and the interfaces between different systems are complex. This makes data synchronization and interaction very difficult, and a huge amount of data appears to be an information silo. How can mCel capitalize on market opportunities latent in its mass data? How can mCel identify potential customers and target an effective marketing campaign to them? How can mCel improve customer satisfaction and loyalty and increase ARPU? mCel has been asking these questions for a long time.


Seeking Strategic Partners to Increase Competitiveness

Since the second half of 2012, mCel has been seeking vendors that can help the company improve its marketing efficiency. mCel has held several technical exchanges with ZTEsoft, which has 20 years’ of experience in OSS/BSS software services and products, and chose ZTEsoft as its multiple channel campaign management (MCCM) vendor. ZTEsoft provides mCel with ZSmart MCCM products that have multiple marketing modes for different target customer groups. These modes include one-wave marketing, multiwave marketing, and event-based marketing and support various data resources and multiple marketing channels. ZSmart MCCM can manage the entire lifecycle of a marketing campaign and evaluate the effectiveness of the campaign. ZSmart MCCM products have a modularized design and can be flexibly and rapidly integrated with mCel’s other systems.


Delivering a System Smoothly with a Well-Designed, Integrated Solution

mCel’s existing BOSSs come from dozens of different vendors and do not have a unified interface. This results in bad interaction and much integration work. mCel is eager to launch MCCM. Deploying MCCM in limited time and interfacing with other systems has been a big challenge for ZTEsoft.

ZTEsoft and mCel signed a contract in 2013 and established a special project team. After a month of careful analysis of mCel’s requirements, the team confirmed software requirement specifications (SRS) of the MCCM system. The team achieved full system interoperability and satisfied UAT tests only two months after MCCM equipment had been installed. Soon after this, mCel’s MCCM was launched for commercial use.


Stepping into a New Era

Since launching MCCM, the system has run stably. With MCCM, mCel has also improved its marketing capabilities. In the past, it took almost a month for mCel to design, audit, and trial a marketing campaign prior to launch. Now, this process only takes several days. With the help of an MCCM customer insight system, mCel can target customers more precisely and deliver services to these customers in time. This greatly improves the take-up rate, increases ARPU, and increases customer satisfaction.

Customer trust and recognition is the best driver of growth. ZTEsoft will continue to make valuable contributions to mCel in the future.