Equatorial Guinea: Communications Change Lives

Release Date:2014-03-19 Reporters: Zhao Rujing and Li Mingfang



Equatorial Guinea is a small country on the Gulf of Guinea, west central Africa. Most of the country is a large plateau covered by tropical rainforest. Equatorial Guinea’s telecom industry emerged relatively late in the game, but in recent years, has rapidly developed and greatly changed people’s lives. ZTE TECHNOLOGIES interviewed Francisco Mba Olo Bahamonde, telecommunications minister of Equatorial Guinea. Olo Bahamonde talked about the telecom market in Equatorial Guinea, communications technology, and projects with ZTE.


Q: Would you tell us about the communications market in Equatorial Guinea?


A: Generally speaking, it’s pretty laudable. Thanks to ZTE, we are making great strides in developing our communications, which have been undeveloped and isolated for a long time. We have started constructing a communications infrastructure. We are participants in the Africa Coast to Europe (ACE) submarine communications cable project. The cable begins at Portugal, runs along the Atlantic coastline of European and African countries, and ends in South Africa. Equatorial Guinea is playing an important role in this project and is connected to the cable. The cable does not meet all our demands, but it is a great improvement. Equatorial Guinea comprises the mainland and five inhabited islands. We have laid our own submarine cables to connect the mainland with the islands. Our national optical backbone network has also been completed. 


Q: What has been the impact of telecommunications development in Africa?


A: Mass access to telecommunications  has improved significantly and continues to improve the lives of our citizens. Today in many African countries, people can make payments through e-commence and mobile phones. Communication is the gateway to services that were previously impossible to have, like a bank account, and is a new opportunity for growth and development.


Q: How has the telecom industry changed in Equatorial Guinea?


A: Equatorial Guinea is working with operators to catch up with other telecommunications markets in Africa. More than a year ago, we were connected to the first international optical fiber and our traffic increased tenfold. However, this is barely adequate for today’s needs. Our challenge now is to provide access to affordable broadband across the country. Our longer-term challenge is to integrate these technologies so that they really benefit the companies in our country.


Q: What is the development plan for Equatorial Guinea’s telecommunication industry?


A: The Ministry of Telecommunications is working to fulfill the goals set out in Equatorial Guinea Government Agenda Horizon 2020. In recent years, the Ministry has focused on integrating Equatorial Guinea’s main international telecommunications infrastructure. Today our focus is on getting these benefits to citizens and businesses by improving the quality of services provided by operators, making prices more affordable and ensuring proper competition between operators, extending coverage across the country, strengthening regulations, improving telecommunications and ICT training, and promoting the development and takeup of new applications and services within different sectors of the economy.


Q: What are your thoughts on ZTE’s projects in Equatorial Guinea, for example, the African Union Conference and African Cup of Nations projects?


A: These are the earliest and best communications services that Equatorial Guinea has had in its history. We did not have any infrastructure on this level before—ZTE has helped us from scratch. Sipopo is the smart city where the African Union Conference Center is located. This center is our nerve center. The Africa and South America Cooperation Summit, African Union Summit, and Regional Summit of Central African Union are held there, so high-quality real-time services are required. Many foreign leaders attend these conferences. Our own citizens are also satisfied with the pioneer project completed with ZTE. With these services, Equatorial Guinea is now recognized internationally and regionally. Close cooperation between ZTE and our Ministry of Telecommunications has meant that Equatorial Guinea can hold major sporting events and provide real-time, high-definition broadcasts. ZTE also provides us with an optical transmission backbone network, and a communications training school is under construction. Equatorial Guinea has benefited a lot from its relationship with ZTE. When the training school is finished, we will enjoy even better services. ZTE always helps us complete projects that benefit us and suit our needs.


Q: ZTE has been building networks in Equatorial Guinea for many years. What benefits has ZTE brought local governments and citizens? What social responsibilities does ZTE have?


A: I say it again: The benefits that ZTE has brought are obvious to all citizens in Equatorial Guinea and to foreigners who come here. We do not think any other communications companies are needed in Equatorial Guinea right now. The projects that ZTE has completed for the Ministry of Telecommunications have provided the best service we have ever enjoyed. The network in the Sipopo African Union Conference project is operating well. We can hold video conferences and monitor Sipopo through cameras. All these things are innovations for us. In the past, we never even imagine we would have them. These innovations have a positive impact on people’s lives. ZTE has helped us build a nationwide optical transmission backbone network that will provide our citizens with more services. This network has completely passed the acceptance test.


Q: What are your expectations and suggestions for ZTE as it continues to construct networks in Equatorial Guinea?


A: I have a request more than a suggestion. ZTE is a great company and renowned as one of the top five telecom equipment manufacturers and solutions provider. I visited the ZTE headquarters and was quite impressed. I hope ZTE itself will get better and better. In an era of change and innovation in the telecommunications industry, ZTE offers good services to Equatorial Guinea and customers worldwide. I request that ZTE continue to provide technical training for personnel in Equatorial Guinea. I want ZTE to remember the requirements of the government employees working in Equatorial Guinea’s Ministry of Telecommunications. I want to have a team within the government telecommunications department who have outstanding ability and clearly understand their roles and responsibilities. I hope ZTE will assist us in achieving these two goals and help us move forward on the right path.