ElasticNet OAM: An New Dawn in Network Maintenance

Release Date:2014-11-18 By Wang Dayong and Kong Min



With the development of 3G, 4G and mobile broadband, users of intelligent terminals and social networking sites are demanding more variety, stability and individuality. This presents many challenges for operators. Traditionally, operators have tended to upgrade existing devices or deploy new ones to meet new demands. However, with frequent upgrading of mass-storage and other network equipment, coordination between all this equipment has become complex and has increased the requirement for network maintenance.

 ZTE has deep understanding of the situations operators find themselves in and understand how customers experience the network. In launching ElasticNet, ZTE sets a new trend in network technology. ElasticNet combines the features of software-defined networking (SDN) and network function virtualization (NFV). An essential part of ElasticNet is an OAM solution that breaks the horizontal divide between different network elements, that takes into account various networks, and that makes OAM more transparent. ElasticNet enables unified management of cloud computing facilities, wireless networks, and traditional bearer networks. It can also be connected with other advanced analysis systems (Fig. 1). Most of all, the SDN management function in ElasticNet can be combined with SDN controllers to work as a part of NetNumen U31. This enables the EMS function for SDN domains.

ElasticNet OAM is a new part of NetNumen U31 and encompasses architecture platform, network maintenance, and service and support.

ElasticNet OAM is based on the NetNumen U31 platform and benefits from ZTE’s years of experience with this system. An advanced cluster architecture is introduced for use in the initial (small-scale) stage of an SDN deployment. As services develop, SDNs will progressively expand and replace existing network infrastructures altogether. This cluster architecture can be horizontally expanded to meet the growing management needs, reduce capex and opex, and mitigate investment risk. ElasticNet OAM uses similar operation procedures for common network functions so that users can understand new systems, services, and functions quickly.

ElasticNet OAM has basic network management functions that have been refined through the joint efforts of ZTE and its customers. Inevitably, SDNs will be co-managed with existing network infrastructure early on. ElasticNet OAM manages these different networks uniformly and can also manage third-party network facilities on the forwarding plane, which has standard protocols. Performance data from the SDN and other networks can be collected and analyzed in order to devise KPIs and compile reports.

Unlike traditional network-management systems, ElasticNet OAM is deeply involved in network service management. ElasticNet OAM manages network topology in an accurate, timely manner and gives a full view of the network topology as well as the details of a single node. With graphic end-to-end fault diagnosis, ElasticNet OAM helps the administrator locate faults quickly. ElasticNet OAM also has automatic traffic scheduling, which supports manual intervention so that bottlenecks can be located and eliminated in time. The greatest difference between ElasticNet and a traditional network is that SDNs are programmable. With built-in programming interfaces and corresponding northbound interfaces, ElasticNet OAM provides basic network applications. Because these interfaces are compatible with OpenDaylight, applications based on OpenDaylight can be migrated to ZTE environments with little or no modifications. Also, applications developed in ZTE environments can be migrated to third-party environments for lower cost in order to build open ecosystems. All in all, ElasticNet OAM is very adaptable, protects investment, and makes the network operate more efficiently.



At the beginning of network construction, an operator tries to determine the feasibility and market take-up of technologies and solutions. They do this on a small scale and with relatively small investment. An operator expects to achieve the most extensive coverage for the lowest possible deployment cost. ElasticNet OAM can be completely integrated with ZTE’s SDN controllers to lower deployment cost and ensure proper functioning. As network grows, all but the service and support functions in ElasticNet OAM can be integrated into NetNumen U31 in order to implement the EMS function for SDN domains. In addition, nodes can be added to support horizontal expansion and large-scale networks.



Flatness reduces network complexity. As a flat network management system, ElasticNet can reduce OAM complexity and difficulty. With elasticity and flexible module combining, ElasticNet OAM can integrate multiple systems on a single EMS layer. If controllers need to be deployed at different layers, the controllers can be cascaded. ElasticNet OAM provides strong support for controllers at the upper and lower layers because of the flexible deployment of function modules.


Unified Network Management

ZTE was the first in the industry to facilitate unified network management and has implemented comprehensive data analysis and end-to-end operations across multiple network fields. ElasticNet OAM is used to manage any combination of SDNs, traditional core networks, IT infrastructure, and bearer networks in a unified way and in numerous scenarios.


Various External Interfaces

ElasticNet OAM supports different kinds of external interfaces. Northbound interfaces include REST, which is compatible with the ODL, as well as the widely used SNMP, FTP, and CORBA interfaces, which are supported by NetNumen U31. Southbound interfaces support Netconf, SNMP, OVSDB and other devices on the forwarding plane.


Virtual Data Center Scenario

ElasticNet OAM enables unified management of the control and forwarding planes in an SDN-only virtual data center and can be connected to traditional data communication devices in the Overlay environment. ElasticNet OAM can be connected to traditional forwarding plane devices by transparent transmission and can be integrated with the forwarding plane network management system of NetNumen U31 for unified network management. Furthermore, ElasticNet OAM, virtual computing system and virtual storage management system can be connected to ZTE’s intelligent data center management system to form a ZTE virtual data center network management solution.


Bearer Network Scenario

ElasticNet OAM supports unified management of devices on the forwarding planes of the SPTN or traditional PTN. When part of a controller, ElasticNet OAM can be connected to a traditional PTN through NetNumen U31 so that the controller can manage the traditional PTN devices. ElasticNet OAM also supports controller cascading for end-to-end service management in both the intra-domain and inter-domain.

ZTE draws on almost 30 years of technical experience in network development to propose ElasticNet OAM, a solution used to build highly collaborative, customized, flexible next-generation networks in the era of cloud computing and big data.