Career Development

Three Career Development Paths


ZTE prioritizes employee career development and offers ample opportunities for advancement. Currently, ZTE has implemented a matrix-style development system comprising seven major job categories, including R&D, marketing, supply chain, project management, and operational support. Building on this framework, employees have three career development paths to choose from: managerial, professional, and project management. They can pursue specialization within their chosen track to become experts in specific fields based on their interests and capabilities. Alternatively, they can expand their skill sets through job rotation, internal transfers, or reassignments. This multi-dimensional approach ensures diverse and multi-level talent development, facilitating both horizontal and vertical career progression.


Mentorship Program for New Employees


ZTE implements a mentorship program for each new employee, providing assistance in three areas: corporate culture, career guidance, and personal support. This mentorship helps new employees adapt to and familiarize themselves with the work environment, facilitating a quick integration into the company. It also aims to enhance professional skills, cultivate a proactive work ethic, and accelerate personal development. Ultimately, the program aims to nurture employees into valuable contributors, effectively supporting their career growth at ZTE.


Incentive Mechanism


ZTE upholds a value-driven approach, establishing incentive mechanisms based on collaborative creation, sharing, and accountability closely tied to performance contributions from employees. Through talent assessments and performance evaluations, outstanding contributors are accurately identified, and resources are allocated accordingly to incentivize their efforts. In addition to material incentives, ZTE has also established a comprehensive system of honors and recognition to motivate employees to strive for value contribution.