Training and Growth

Employee growth plays a vital role in our sustainable development. With comprehensive career development and capability center systems, various forms of talent training programs and personalized training plans have been carried out for employees. In addition, great importance is attached to learning process management, practice-based learning, and effectiveness evaluation. By doing so, employees' motivation and creativity have been greatly strengthened.


Personalized Training Programs


The new employee training program helps new employees understand ZTE's corporate culture, improve communication skills, and prepare for their workplace roles. For employees in production positions, ZTE provides training courses, operation practice, and competency assessment to ensure systematic training of employees. For the cultivation of R&D and technical talent, ZTE provides all-around programs, including the "Blue Sword" program, ZTE Youth Awards, Training program for Young leading talent, and Lectures by Experts. Additionally, our training program for frontline management members aims to enhance their key capabilities, aligning with ZTE's strategic objectives.


Developing International Talent Teams


In 2023, ZTE provided 12 professional training programs for Chinese and overseas employees in the three major business fields, namely sales, marketing, and engineering services. For key overseas employees, the company also launched the frontline management member training program.


In the marketing field, the "ACE in Marketing" online training program was held, which facilitated the exchanges between overseas employees and experts in the headquarters, and conveyed the latest solutions and experience for cross-country operations. Throughout 2023, 113 live-streaming sessions were delivered, attended by over 2,000 overseas marketing employees.


In business fields of engineering, technical solutions, and service, seven training programs were organized for key overseas talent and technical delivery personnel, external capability enhancement programs were also launched, such as operation of overseas local communities.


  • Training program for key overseas talent and technical delivery personnel: In 2023, a total of over 70 training sessions were held in the forms of professional training, lectures, camps, and mentorship-based practice, covering over 700 overseas employees.
  • Operation of overseas local communities: The company is dedicated to building professional communities to deliver high-quality lectures locally and enhance the cohesion of overseas units. Involving more than 3,500 employees from local partners, over 250 capability enhancement activities were held in 2023, including lectures by part-time trainers, promotion of high-quality courses, lectures in local languages and lectures delivered by full-time lecturers, and skill transfer by local expert team.


By virtue of the capability enhancement activities held in overseas countries and regions, local customer service engineers are able to provide better services for customers. In 2023, the localization rate of projects reached 80%, the proportion of local employees in key positions rose to 45%, and up to 45% trainers were local employees.


[Case] Training Program for Frontline Employees in Key Countries


To provide better support for the front line and promote the cultivation of local talent, ZTE focused on the frontline business demands, especially those in key countries. With the collaborations among the Integrated Solutions Dept., SPMO Team, Market Planning Team, and product lines, the "M-Training" activities were held, where management members and high position-level experts delivered high-quality lectures on different topics, e.g., insights into ICT industry, product solutions, project bidding skills, and customer-based solutions. A total of over 100 employees from different countries participated in the training, and multiple local employees obtained the certification of ZTE's Solution Chief Engineer (SCE) for sales projects.