Dual-Polarized RIS-Based STBC Transmission with Polarization Coupling Analysis

2022-03-16 Author:ZHOU Mingyong, CHEN Xiangyu, TANG Wankai, KE Jun Chen, JIN Shi, CHENG Qiang, CUI Tie Jun
Dual-Polarized RIS-Based STBC Transmission with Polarization Coupling Analysis - ztecommunications
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Dual-Polarized RIS-Based STBC Transmission with Polarization Coupling Analysis

Release Date:2022-03-16  Author:ZHOU Mingyong, CHEN Xiangyu, TANG Wankai, KE Jun Chen, JIN Shi, CHENG Qiang, CUI Tie Jun  Click:

Dual-Polarized RIS-based STBC Transmission with Polarization Coupling Analysis

ZHOU Mingyong1, CHEN Xiangyu1,TANG Wankai1, KE Jun Chen2, JIN Shi1, CHENG Qiang2, CUI Tie Jun2
(1. National Mobile Communications Research Laboratory, Southeast University, Nanjing 210096, China;
2. Algorithm Dept., Wireless Product R&D Institute, ZTE Corporation, Shenzhen 518057, China)

Abstract: The rapid development of the reconfigurable intelligent surface (RIS) technology has given rise to a new paradigm of wireless transmitters. At present, most research works of RIS-based transmitters focus on single-polarized RISs. In this paper, we propose a dual-polarized RIS-based transmitter, which realizes 4-transmit space-time block coding (STBC) transmission by properly partitioning RIS’s unit cells and utilizing the degree of freedom of polarization. The proposed scheme is evaluated through a prototype system that utilizes a fabricated dual-polarized phase-adjustable RIS. In particular, the polarization coupling phenomenon in each unit cell of the employed dual-polarized RIS is modeled and analyzed. The experimental results are in good agreement with the theoretical modeling and analysis results, which make an initial research effort on characterizing the polarization coupling property in the dual-polarized RIS.

Keywords:  reconfigurable intelligent surface; space-time coding; dual polarization; coupling modeling; prototyping

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